Sunday 5 December 2010

my school yoooo whats up ?

see, thats my classroom, epic right ?
but we really love it xD


we call this "mading"
there're interesting articel
like fashion, news, etc


nah, this is my friend, her name is christine
and behind her is gaby, she's belieber too, like me ;D


oh, that's our blackboard
and that's about MATH -,-


i take that picture after rain ;)


see this mask
we call it "topeng cirebon"
we made it with paper, cool right ?

yoo, thanks
comment if you like ;)

Saturday 27 November 2010


hey guys
today i wanna tell about justin new song. the title is PRAY. at the first time i hear that song, i teased down, i dont know why ;(, and i see the video, i started to crying. Justin Bieber is AH-MAZE-ING, why ? however he is very famous, he still think about the other people who needs help. if you wanna see his video, you can see on his facebook

P.S : now, i know what colour is justin bieber blackberry, the colour is PURPLE, OMB ! i want it, you can see on his video

Wednesday 24 November 2010

that's JUST "R"

hello, what's up ?
ngomong indo aja, maklum lagi pening (?)
jadi, aku mau curhat (lah)
tadi pas pelajaran bahasa inggris, ada spelling bee
yak, kelompok ku lawan kelompok edrick
pertama perlawanan kami seri, jadi di ulang lagi
nah, pas babak kedua giliran kelompok edrick, si edrick pilih riris buat ngejawab pertanyaan nya
si edrick kasih pertanyaan nya "starstruck"
nah, si riris nggak tau, jadi temen boleh bantu
terus aku bantu kan, aku spell "es,ti,ei,ar,es,ti,er" mau ngelanjutin eh, karena aku bilang "ar" jadi "er" jadi SALAH
ergh, marah besar, walaupun emang team aku menang :p
bayangin lawan selanjutnya team PRISCILLA sama team DENNIS
udah pada pinter pinter teamnya, kami pinternya cuman ngejebak coba :P mereka, aqualazzz, apalah, thh -,-

udah ya, mau ngerjain sesuatu, bye :*

Saturday 20 November 2010


i REALLY REALLY miss blogger, yeah, kinda weird ._.
this is me when i'm abnormal
this is it ;)

what do you think ?
commen, subscribbe (?) ahahaha
follow me ;)

Friday 22 October 2010

Sunday 17 October 2010

Friday 1 October 2010

hi guys, lama nggak ngepost :(
i wanna post about justin bieber NEW VIDEO name u smile :)

Friday 10 September 2010


yeah, my birthday same like GALILEO GALILEI
15 february <3 tee hee


yeah, my brother buy a new camera, tee hee !
name : canon KISS x3
you didn't know right, ok it's same like canon 500d


Wednesday 8 September 2010


hey hooo
i wanna post my justin bieber pict, i take it from his video, checkitout guys ;)

why just five ?
sorry guys, next i will post again :)

kiss and hug :*
FYI, i got it bad, why ? because 8b get ZERO except, delius

then, me, ria, titin, and rani take a photo

i cant upload because my brother take it

ehm, at monday i use blackberry 8900

and at tuesday we use blackberry 8520

it was funny, later, i will upload it, bye :*

Sunday 13 June 2010


heeeey, akhirnya memulai posting baru. kemarin males banget buat postingan. soalnya agak LOLA kemaren internetnya. yaaa, udah bersyukur gue udah mulai gak LOLA lagi ;)
hari mingguini, gue tadi main sama MELLI. iya, ke nagoya, kebetulan tadi inang tua melli dateng, jadi nyari tas gitu deh. AGAK nge-bosenin sih, tapi lama2 jadi seru juga, akhirnya pergi ke bcs. mulaila perjalanan mengembara kami (becanda diing), kami ke gramed, ngapain? ya nyari buku la, tanpa tujuan looo. cuman ngeliat buku keren, baca novel, agak lama, tapi ngga beli, ya iya la, ngga ada yang menarik and... GAK BAWA DUIT :p, lanjut, kami makan sama mamanya melli and friends, aku makan mie ayam+ice lemon tea, kalo melli gado2+teh tarik. sambil menunggu makanan, kami saring2an (sharing) , and akhirnya dateng juga makanan, karena saya sangat suka mie ayam, aku narok kuahnya di mie ayam ampe abis, trus dengan wajah memelas meminta nambah lagi :p, hahahaha, becanda :p, and akhirnya kami pulang ke rumah melli. baca2 novel melli, seru2 loo, pinjem aja ( sorry mell ), lanjut, akhirnya di jemput, haaaah -____-

Sunday 14 February 2010


hi friends, create blog is our duty, but we're happy to also create a blog, all sharing.
we are perplexed what to do on this blog, we want to create a blog that can make people laugh or happy or something else
. we hope this blog can make you laugh. ♥
hi friends, create blogs for our duty, but we're happy to also create a blog, all sharing. we are perplexed what to do on this blog, we want to create a blog that can make people laugh or happy or something else. I hope this blog can make you laugh.